Jade Dancer of Han Dynasty with a Long History in China

Chinese jade articles have a long history, a long history, rich and colorful, and unique. The early jade artifacts unearthed from the Neolithic sites such as Hemudu proved that our ancestors had learned to manufacture and use jade at least in the primitive society dating back 7,000 years ago. Yuren occupies an important position in Chinese jade art. Prehistoric Red Mountain culture, Longshan culture, Shijiahe culture, Liangzhu culture and other sites have been discovered. The jade man unearthed from the Rujiatan site in Anhui is the only erect full-body jade figure in the Neolithic era.

Unearthed from the Han Tomb of Yangzhou, the dancers are jade, the long sleeves are waisted, and the thin lines are engraved with facial features and clothing patterns.

With the collapse of slavery and the establishment of a feudal system, the spirit of humanism was carried forward. During the Warring States Period of the Qin and Han Dynasties, there was a new group of jade in the jade article - Yu Renpei, which added one or more jade dancers to dance on the basis of other jade ornaments. They are either in the group or in the subordinate position, which makes the group jade more close to people's lives, and more decorative. According to legend, the Jade Carving Double Dancer who was unearthed in the Tomb of the Warring States in Luoyang Jincun is an outstanding dancer full of life. It has a great enlightenment to the group of jade in the early Western Han Dynasty. The jade dancer group is obviously affected by it. Later, although the Han Dynasty banned the use of jade, the single-shaped dancers were widely popular, and the jade dancers became a unique style of jade in the Han Dynasty. The jade dancers unearthed from the Han Tomb have one or two round holes, which are obviously used to wear the ropes. The Shanghai Museum, a jade dancer from the Eastern Han Dynasty, hangs to the shoulders, and the carvings are meticulous and smooth, with a short squat under the feet, which is used as a decoration for inserting. A collection of Han Dynasty jade seals collected by the Palace Museum is carved into a dancer. These two dancers have broken through the scope of purely as a decoration, which shows that people are generally fond of jade dancers at the time, but as a decoration is still the mainstream of jade dancers.

The Shanghai Museum hides and stands the jade dancer (East Han).


In the middle of the Western Han Dynasty, the Han Empire became the most prosperous multi-ethnic country in Asia, and it was also a peak period in the history of the development of jade articles in China. Wu Di’s thoughts on the retreat of Confucianism and the Confucian “Junzi Guiyu” have been further promoted. The ethical concept of filial piety advocated by Confucianism promoted the widespread popularity of thick burial customs, and the burial of jade became a ethos. At the same time, Zhang Wei made the Western Region, opened the passage of the jade material east, and He Tianmei continued to flow into the Central Plains. All of this has prompted the vigorous development of the jade handicraft industry. With the improvement of tools, the common use of hollowing, embossing and other techniques, the jade craftsmanship has become more refined, new instruments and shapes have emerged, and numerous exquisite and excellent products have come out in large numbers. The jade dancers who began to appear in the Warring States period are now big. It is popular, and it has more form and spirit. It is exquisite and lovely, and it is beautiful and moving. The tomb of the Great Han Dynasty in Beijing, the tomb of the Han Dynasty, the tomb of the Han Dynasty, and the tombs of the Han Dynasty tombs from the Han Tombs of Anhui, Shaanxi, Henan, etc. are typical Han Dynasty jade dancers. They are full of humanistic spirit and vivid and realistic style, which is in sharp contrast with the mysterious, weird, mysterious, prosperous and rigid jade that is commonly used in the early popular ritual jade. These exquisite works have uncovered the mysterious veil of primitive religion in ancient times and become a favorite ornament.

Long-sleeved female dancer, 31 cm high, unearthed in Xi'an, Shaanxi.

Jade dancers are women who dance with long sleeves and waists. They are typical female characters and professional dance sluts. Since Xia Shang, the female music performance has become the main form of court enjoyment. In the Han Dynasty, up to the court, down to the vassal rich merchants, the situation of raising female music is extremely common, and even the number of female music has become a symbol of power and prosperity. The jade dancers were mostly unearthed in the tombs of relatives such as the princes. This is the description of the female music for the aristocratic class. At the same time, there was also a mechanism for training women's music in the society. The paintings on a lacquer unearthed from the tomb of Shahan in the early ages vividly depict the vivid scenes of the training of the aristocratic family at that time, the dance they danced. There are "sleeve dance", "seven-disc dance", towel dance, etc., and jade dancers are drawn from the style of these dances. Although the social status of female musicians is low, their superb dance skills have greatly promoted the prosperity of Chinese contemporary dance art. And look at the jade dancers who are turning around, the long sleeves are ethereal, the waist is light and twisted, the show skirts are dragging the ground, the five senses are clear, and the most vivid moment of the song and dance is fixed on a dexterous jade. Reproduces the charm of the Han Dynasty dance art. The aesthetic taste and magical skills of the jade masters are amazing. The jade dancers unearthed from the Han Tomb in Huainan City, Anhui Province, is a unique work. With unique ideas and simple knives, Yugong has carved a swaying, sturdy, long-sleeved dance. The image of the dancer is full of aura.

The jade dancers (Tuoben) can be seen in the characteristics of the Hanyu dancers.


On the basis of inheriting the exquisite and dexterity of the Warring States, Hanyu has a new look, mainly in the more general application of the hollowing skills and the more advanced line-cutting techniques. Most of the jade dancers are engraved in the empty floor of the flat building. The technique of carving is quite mature. The jade workers use a kind of "jumping knife method" that is intermittent, and the hand-engraved Yinxian line is fine as a hairspring. The composition is extremely accurate. From the engraving of the dancers, we can see that the silk carvings of the Han dynasty have reached a level of subtle enthusiasm, as Ming Gao said: "The Han people ponder, the magic is in the double hook, the grinding method is moving, the fineness is in the autumn, and there is no density. Uneven, the intersection is intermittent. For example, the hairline is white, there is no stagnation."

The Western Han Dynasty Nanyue Wang Museum has one of 4 jade dancers.

Although the number of carved jade art works was small in the Western Han Dynasty, it reflected the superb level of the jade craftsmanship in the Han Dynasty. The round-carved jade dancer unearthed from the Tomb of King Nanyue in Guangzhou is a rare and rare work. The dancer's head is combed with snails, wide sleeves and light, and the knees dance. It is a graceful and beautiful female image.

In the early period of the Western Han Dynasty, there were two kinds of jade dancers who were doing double and single dance. The jade dancers unearthed from the Tomb of the Han Dynasty in Yongcheng County, Henan Province, were two pairs of dancers. The two of them were connected by hand, with one hand hanging down and delicate. Chic. After the middle of the Western Han Dynasty, it was mostly single, more compact and more focused, so it was easy to wear and play. The dancers have the same double-faced ornamentation, and there is no difference between the front and the back. This is a need for a swinging piece of clothing, which can be viewed on both sides.

Liu Yunhui, deputy director of the Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics, presented the jade dancer

With the destruction of the Han Dynasty, after the Eastern Han Dynasty, the image of this jade dancer was rare or even extinct, and it became a typical category of the Han Dynasty to the Han Dynasty, especially the Han Dynasty jade. During the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, the production and use of jade articles went down sharply, and there was a big downturn in history. The reason is that on the one hand, the rise of metaphysics and Buddhism, under the impact of it, Chongyu culture has been hit hard, and more importantly, the war is frequent, the country is divided, the economy is dying, and the jade handicraft industry has been severely hit. In order to reduce the economic burden, the ruling class also began to limit the production and use of precious jade articles. In the dying "Decree", Cao Cao confessed that "the world has not yet settled, and at the end of the day, it must be obeyed by the ancients...the time is convinced, and there is no treasure of gold and jade." In particular, the jade road is impassable, and the source of jade materials is blocked, which directly affects the development of jade.

Shaanxi has discovered the largest, highest-ranking and only two connected jade dancers.

The Tang Dynasty re-unified the prosperous and powerful Chinese empire after more than 300 years of splitting. The ancient Chongyu tradition re-emerged and developed rapidly during the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and a new situation of unprecedented prosperity appeared. The function and shape of the jade have also undergone major changes, and the image of the Han Dynasty jade dancers no longer appears. The Tang people are full of fashion and richness, and the image of Zhao Feiyan, who is slim and light, can be used as a pocket dance.


With its unique historical and artistic value, the jade dancers are sought after by collectors as rare species, and their market conditions are also climbing. People are more eager to learn about appreciation and discrimination in this regard. The main difference between the Warring States jade dancers and the Han Dynasty jade dancers is that the former pays attention to the subtlety of the engraving and the gorgeous movement of the dancers, while the latter focuses on the shaping of the overall posture, showing the dancers dancing and exaggerating the big movements, showing The simplicity and simplicity of the Han Dynasty art. Particularly noteworthy is: long-sleeved waist; with a simple insane thin line hook picture and clothing; the edge of the dancer's contour is engraved with thin lines and engraved with "" ornamentation is the key point to identify the Han Dynasty jade dancer. In particular, there are "" ornamentation and the addition of thin lines on the edge of the outline is an important sign of discrimination. Where thick and deep lines are not authentic.

Dance is one of the earliest forms of art in human beings. Its connotation and function have evolved and changed with the times. In the ancient books of Chinese culture, there are "Emperor has eight sons, and is the beginning of singing and dancing". The book of the original dance is called "Beast Dance". We saw the earliest text of "dance" in the Yin Shang oracle bones. It depicts the image of a person dancing with the oxtail and the bird feathers. The Majiayao-type dance-painted pottery pots unearthed in Qinghai reproduce the style of early collective dance. The Yale system formulated in the early Western Zhou Dynasty marked the beginning of the maturity of music and dance culture. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the princes fought, "the ceremony was broken, the folks danced vigorously, and the performance dances had a new development." The emergence of a large number of professional song and dance artists has become an important force to promote the development of song and dance art at that time. The ruling class's pursuit of sensual pleasure is the main reason for the existence and growth of this team. The famous "Chu Dance" is beautiful with a thin waist, and the waist has become an aesthetic fashion for a while. As a result, there has been a phenomenon of "Han Ling Wang has a fine waist and many hungry people in the country" to lose weight. This aesthetic has continued to the Han Dynasty, slim and slim is the pursuit of beauty in the Han Dynasty.

On the basis of inheriting the dance art of the previous generation, and through the exchange and absorption of the Western music and dance, the Han Dynasty raised the Chinese classical dance to a new level and laid the foundation for the development of later Chinese dance. Comprehensive large-scale dances, hundreds of plays, and a variety of dance forms such as multi-person dance, double-pair dance, etc. are popular, and the accompaniment team and various musical instrument props are displayed in a colorful and magnificent manner. Song and dance has become a common demand in people's lives. It is not only for women, but also for males who can sing and dance. The "Bamboo Steps" and other heroic dances have been passed down to this day. A pair of two-person dances portrayed on a stone of a Han Dynasty, simple and expressive. This image is almost indistinguishable from contemporary dance.


It is worth mentioning that the Han Dynasty left many outstanding dancers' names, the most famous of which was Zhao Feiyan, who was favored by Han Chengdi for his "singing song and dance, No. Feiyan" because of her superb dance skills. Legend has it that she is "light and swallow, can be a palm dance." The dancer on the bricks of the Han Dynasty, unearthed in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, is the dance image of this light-looking Yan. The most interesting thing is that a flying swallow carved in the upper left corner of the bricks clearly shows its theme. In addition to Zhao Feiyan, Gao Zu’s favorite wife, Mrs. Ji’s, is a good dancer for the waist and the song, and the song is stuffed into the song of the hope. Mrs. Li, who is favored by Emperor Wu, is a famous dancer. It is not difficult to infer why the jade dancers were popular in the Han Dynasty.

The hobby and support of singing and dancing in the upper classes of the ruling class is an important reason for the prosperity of the Han Dynasty dance. According to historical records, Gao Bang Liu Bang set up a banquet in the Pei Palace of his hometown after he settled the resignation of Wang Yingbu in Huainan. He summoned the folks to drink alcohol and personally sang and sang his own "Grand Wind Song". In the singing, I got up and danced, and I was so excited that I shed tears. The princes of the royal family are obsessed with song and dance, and later they are the masters of dance. These have undoubtedly played a huge role in promoting the Han Dynasty dance.


There are two most important characteristics of the dance of the Han Dynasty dancers: one is the "dancing sleeves" and the ancient ones are "long sleeves and good dances". It can be seen that the ancients appreciate and love the dance sleeves. The use of props for dance is a major feature of traditional dance in China. The dances of the Han Dynasty are mostly danced with long sleeves. The sleeves are fluent and elegant, such as flowing clouds, beautiful and dynamic, in various poses. The development of the skills of the dance sleeves has greatly enriched the performance of traditional dances in China. “Women Dance” is an extended dance sleeve that makes it more varied and expressive. In addition to the "dancing sleeves", another feature is "dancing waist." The waist is a pivotal part that affects the human body. Its twisting changes, both dancing the upper body and driving the lower limbs, so that the action is tilted back and forth, and the left and right are folded, enriching and changing, and graceful. The "dancing waist" action requires the dancer to practice a soft work, and it is not easy to achieve "around the body and ring" and "soft if boneless". “Folding sleeves” and “waisting waist” are the cutting-edge technologies that are representative of the dance techniques at that time. They form a wonderful dance and have been passed down to the present. In addition, a thin waist woman who is looking at the portrait stone is performing a large-length dance sleeve twisting performance, and the action is exaggerated, and both form and spirit are available. The jade dancers unearthed in various places attached to this article reproduce the charm of the time for us. These dancers are fine and smart, while others are rough and simple, but they all have two important characteristics of dancing sleeves and dancing waist.

In the past 2000, the image of the Han Dynasty dance art passed down by the sea was very rare. It can be seen today, mainly thanks to the preserved heritage of cultural relics. We are from the physical carrier of the portrait stone, the lacquer ware of the Han Dynasty, and the monks of the Han Dynasty. You can still see the style and information passed at that time. The unique product of this particular era of jade dancers hangs in the later generations with its smooth, dexterous, exquisite, vivid image and enduring immortal texture, which provides an irreplaceable study for the study of Chinese jade culture and dance culture. Physical information. At the same time, it also left a world of people who have a long-standing, exquisite and unique art collection.

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