(American Tess nation prestige) Zhou Chengjian, chairman of Smith Barney, "mirror-style" pioneer marketing

Since the establishment of the MTS garments company in 1993, Zhou Chengjian, chairman of Metersbonwe Group, has embraced the grand vision of “The Prestige of Yang Guo Bang”. The interpretation of “Bonwe” was extended to the later National People’s Congress. The brand "Mettersbonwe" has become a three-dimensional portrayal of Zhou Chengjian's maverick merchant career.


(American Tess nation prestige) Zhou Chengjian, chairman of Smith Barney, "mirror-style" pioneer marketing

In the context of the new era, the unique transformation of the Meters & Bonwes brand in business and marketing modes in recent years and its implied experimental logic have become a powerful source of vitality for Zhou Singjian to promote Meters & Bonwe's advancement with the times. Recently, Zhou Chengjian’s command of Matesbonwe’s "big army" into the entertainment industry has caused great concern both inside and outside the industry. At the time when Metersbonwe's titled online variety show "The Wonderful Thing" was getting hotter, Zhou Chengjian's new concept of Metersbonwe brand marketing also attracted great interest from all walks of life.

I. "Image Marketing" - Development of New Brand Marketing Model

The 50 million title of the online entertainment industry, Zhou Chengjian what is the meaning of "drunken"? This has caused constant speculation in the industry and beyond. From the eagerness of the "Extremely Wonderful" column to the big move of Metersbonwe in the entertainment industry, the reputation of the marketing industry has risen to fame, and Metersbonwe has created and completed a kind of "unusual path." "The perfect marketing model.

According to industry authority analysis, Metersbonwe's sponsored online variety show "Qiqi Shuo" is quite different from traditional branding: The traditional brand sponsored entertainment media model is a single, linear one: from the program itself. From the production to the reception of the program audience, the reception mode of almost all brand information is one-way, passive, from the screen to the consumer's eyes is a mechanical, non-interactive, “display-passive look” relationship, just as we mechanical Looking at the brand's slick LOGO on the screen without feeling the same, we can call the traditional model a “passive marketing” single passive model.

By comparison, Metersbonwe’s title is much smarter, and the implantation of “Exotics” is more like a “mirror-like”, multi-effect—resonance of entertainment traits to brand attributes, and The ideal fit has reached the ideal level of perfection. Zhou Xiangjian's "mirroring" marketing seems to be like the person in front of a mirror: as if a person looks at himself in front of a mirror, not only has good-looking clothes, but also true and lively self, clothes and people have vitality at the same time; At the same time, the mirror itself has also been given the meaning and value of the mirror by the person who is in the mirror. Both of them feel the true self in the mutual resonance. The marketing model of "Qiqi Shuo" and Metersbonwe brand is just like the relationship between "mirrors and people": Perhaps Zhou Chengjian specially selected "Qiqi Shuo," which is to be used as a kind of "capitalization" of Metersbonwe brand. "Extension", an in-depth injection of vitality to the fullness of the brand and fresh image.

Smithsonian “mirrored” brand marketing is “deeply implanted” at all levels, from the display of the brand LOGO of Brand to the consistency of the adjustment of brand and implanted media, and to the highly consistent and visual vision of core concepts. There is a high degree of sympathy with the basic appeal of sensory-based interaction. The brand and the media are highly complementary – the resonance generated has a wide range of influence and the added value of the brand increases. From the clothing brand, entertainment program, and trend culture, "mirrored" marketing has produced social, cultural and other levels of influence, including "social hotspots," "fashion trends," "promote online entertainment media transformation," "new era of young The group's individual expression and value thinking "etc., which brings a higher level of brand value-added and socio-cultural additional influence is more profound and extensive than traditional marketing.

Further, the new strategy of Metersbonwe brand marketing closely integrates the entertainment mass and the social marketing wave of the two parts of the soft market. Industry senior analysts have pointed out that traditional brand-entry "screen marketing" can no longer meet the current public desire for entertainment and brand needs psychological level; traditional media marketing, there is always a huge gap between entertainment and brands. Until such a unique concept as Metersbonwe's “mirror-type” marketing emerged, the traditional media marketing model may be in an embarrassing position of being deconstructed.

Second, the deconstruction of tradition - deep brand implant model interpretation

The industry's new trend triggered by the success of Zhou Xiangjian's “mirroring” marketing has a certain degree of irreproducibility: a huge amount of investment in traditional brand implants, a simple form of implantation, and a narrow scope of influence, from the perspective of brand marketing It is closer to the simple operation of “market-product marketing”. The success of the deep implant approach is not only due to the fact that Metersbonwe's “Unconventional Road” brand philosophy is perfectly consistent with the “Exotic” concept of the “Extraordinary” program; it also lies in the extreme perfection of the two endoplasmic qualities. Complementary, as a pioneering model of a new model. "Qiqi Shuo" The internal quality of the Internet variety column and the content of the Metersbonwe brand are highly consistent, resulting in a significant increase in brand value. This added value creates great value information on the psychological level of the audience.

On the one hand, Metersbonwe's support of the "Qiqi Shuo" online variety show promoted the "intellectual" era of China's entertainment media in an extremely personal way, and increased brand value in many ways. This approach combines the context of the times, the Chinese tradition of interpreting meanings, and Zhou Chengjian’s move. This undoubtedly reversed the direction of the era of an industry’s marketing, extensive search, scientific selection, precise positioning, and deep implantation. It is not only the pure addition of the brand, but also a high degree of sympathy for the values ​​of both parties. The social and psychological effects of this high degree of resonance can greatly increase the added value of both the brand and the program.

On the other hand, entertainment and co-existence of brand marketing, added value is "true value." According to informed sources, since Metersbonwe titled a variety show, no matter from its market share, to its sales, to the various parts of its brand value added structure, it has shown strong growth, online media and society. The media's heat has continued to increase. From this point of view, the added value of public opinion on the one hand, which was created in the name of "Missionism" by Smith Barney, can be seen.

The "deep-implantation" method of "mirrored" brand marketing is different from all brand implants in the past. It can be said that Metersbonwe's original "Innovation in Internet Marketing" section of Qiqishu said. Not only implant itself has a depth, but also has a wide range of influence in a wide range of social hotspots, cultures, and trends. "Depth" can also be understood as the "beyond brand implant" implant mode.

Third, from the incorporation of commercial brands into the tide of social and cultural trends, "breaking up" in parallel

There is no lack of social responsibility and values ​​in entertainment programs. This is one of the reasons that Zhou Shijian’s affiliation to Metersbonwe Empire has always brought people a great affinity. From the public psychology to the public speech, the simplified American Metersbonwe brand name “Mebon” seems to represent “her personality, fashion, fashion, and cost-effectiveness” and all its intrinsic qualities. Zhou Chengjian, chairman of Metersbonwe, may have firmly grasped this point in order to make the brand marketing strategy so successful. In one respect, the brand marketing strategy of "Mr. State" has reached a broader socio-cultural value level than commercial value, and it is also a continuation of soft marketing.

From the full support of the "Qiqi Shuo" program to the opening of the domestic "intellective" entertainment era, to the commercial launch of Metersbonwe's commercial operation "Extraordinary Service", a "promoting personality" and "not going the unusual way" The "energy" social concept accompanies the proliferation of programs to the Internet. In the last century, French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu proposed the concepts of “symbolic capital” and “cultural capital” in Practice and Reflection: Reflection on Sociological Guidance. On the other hand, Metersbonwe's "mirror-style" deep branding approach is essentially a deconstruction of the traditional brand marketing model, deconstruction of the "symbolic capital" and "cultural capital" of the entertainment entertainment model, that is, the culture. The expansion of the symbol's capital in the possession of its own brand "share" in the field of social ideas is actually a move by Zhou Chengjian to "break the parallel." Therefore, the fierceness of the "Wonderful Speaking" column itself is inextricably linked with the spread of the Metersbonwe brand.

From past marketing activities of Metersbonwe, whether in the 90's, Aaron Kwok or the cooperation with Transformers, Zhou Chengjian has always been an innovator in marketing.

On a more macro level, Zhou Chengjian's brand marketing of the US-owned Tess Bentley Empire can only reverse its long-standing vulgar and sensory consumerism tendency on the creation and implantation model of Chinese entertainment variety shows. And the tendency of “cultural nihilism” on the level of mass consumption caused by flooding entertainment programs. Zhou Chengjian's success in the marketing of Metersbonwe brand is parallel to the practice; this action gives an unprecedented strategic methodological revolution in the marketing mode of traditional, mechanical and single entertainment titles. With active, flexible, interactive, and in-depth brand marketing to deconstruct traditional brand marketing, choices and opportunities are also very important. In other words, the title also needs the value of the "crown." From the Chinese contemporary variety entertainment media towards the “experiencing the society”, “the excavation of individuality” and the “non-ordinary way” of endoplasmic redirection, it is also gradually shifting toward the age of “intellectual” entertainment with its connotation and uniqueness. This kind of transformation is at least represented by a type of online entertainment represented by Metersbonwe. What is the value? How to achieve better value? Perhaps Zhou Chengjian will still be able to use the phrase “Mettersbonwee” when he was founded: “Not to take the unusual road”.

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