How to choose the pillow for the hot season

Core Tip: People spend a third of their time in sleep. Sleep can give the body a full rest and rejuvenate the body. How to maintain your body during sleep? Try a medicine pillow with health care benefits.

The medicine pillow is a pillow that uses traditional Chinese medicine as a pillow core, and has a health care function when sleeping. Most of the traditional Chinese medicines used in medicine pillows are composed of phlegm and blood stasis, qi and blood circulation, phlegm and blood stasis, cold and dehumidification, qi and qi and clear heart sputum. After long-term contact with the human body, the medicine absorbs through the skin and penetrates the bones. It can accelerate blood circulation, relieve muscle fatigue and phlegm, clear away heat and detoxification, and reduce blood pressure and fire.

Li Shizhen mentioned in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that pillows such as bitter skin, black bean skin, mung bean skin and cassia seed can be used for eyesight. There are a variety of medicine pillows for the people, most of which aim to clear fire and heat. However, there are many kinds of medicine pillows. If they are used in reverse, they will not work, but will aggravate the condition. So how do you choose it scientifically and reasonably?

In general, the mulberry leaf artemisia pillow can be used in the spring to dredge the liver gas. Cold winter, optional rushing grass pillow to reduce night dreams. As for mung bean pillow, chrysanthemum pillow, tea pillow, five-leaf pillow, etc., it has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, reducing fire, decompressing blood and clearing the brain, and clearing it in the hot season. It is especially suitable for people with yin deficiency and fire. Secondly, Cassia Pillow, Magnetic Pillow, Wushen Pillow, Huoxue Pillow, etc. are suitable for patients with hypertension, cervical spondylosis, headache, memory loss, hearing loss and vision loss. Millet pillow, has the effect of disease prevention, fitness, and development, suitable for young women and children. The following are commonly used medicine pillows.

Wild chrysanthemum pillow wild chrysanthemum taste bitter, slightly cold, also known as "bitter chrysanthemum". "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Wild chrysanthemum heat-clearing and detoxifying, purging fire eyesight, Liyan, soothing liver, the main solution to the day is hot poisonous tannins, washing sores, and can go to the wind to kill insects." Home use can dry chrysanthemum 2 kg Put into a bag to make a pillow. This medicine pillow is suitable for the prevention and treatment of headache, dizziness, scab, redness of the eyes and high blood pressure.

The cassia pillow "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: Cassia has a clear eye and soothe the nerves, clearing the heat and clearing the brain, clearing the liver and kidney, reducing blood pressure and laxative, reducing fat and slimming effect. The rounded granule massages the acupuncture points on the head and neck, promotes blood circulation in the head, enhances memory, and is also suitable for people with poor cervical spine. Some pillows put cassia on the upper and lower sides of the pillow, leaving the middle, so that the neck is just sitting on the raised part under the pillow, very comfortable. What's more, Cassia is packed in a small bag, which can be easily taken out of the pillow. It is often taken out and sun-dried. It is worn out, and the small bag can be taken apart and loaded with new cassia. The double-sided pillow is additionally filled with buckwheat hulls, hollow cotton, and the like. For household use, 3 kg of Cassia can be placed in a bag to make a pillow. Suitable for cervical spondylosis and headache, dizziness, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, insomnia, palpitation, upset, conscious heartbeat, high blood pressure and other patients.

Silkworm sand silkworm sand, also known as late silkworm sand, is slightly cool. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that silkworm sand has the effects of hurricane dehumidification, eyesight and blood pressure reduction, and has good effects on eye diseases, palpitation, insomnia, neurasthenia, head wind headache, high blood pressure, liver fire, arthritis and other diseases. For household use, it is possible to dry 150 grams of late silkworm sand to make coarse powder, which can be placed in the center of the pillow. Suitable for patients with cervical spondylosis, headache, upset and so on.

The wild plant pillow is refined with traditional Chinese herbal medicines such as Prunella vulgaris, Sclerotium, and Mimosa. "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" records: "Xia Fucao Sanjie swelling, liver and eyesight, clearing the heart and soothe the nerves, eliminating pain and exorcism, densely scented flowers, clearing heat, nourishing the liver, clearing the eye, suitable for cervical pain, liver and kidney protection, headache and dizziness , sorrowful, red eyes and swelling, more tears and shame. Highly permeable, highly targeted, long-term use, body-building, double-sided pillow filled with buckwheat husk (cool) or vacuum cotton (warm).

The buckwheat pillow buckwheat pillow has moderate hardness and good plasticity. It can relax the neck and restore physiological curvature. Buckwheat husks, light green, thin pieces, like leaves, according to reports, the more transparent the color, the better the quality. The buckwheat husk is soft, comfortable, cool and refreshing. It has a certain massage effect on the head and face. It is a classic tradition for both young and old. Chinese medicine believes that the buckwheat shell is sweet and flat, and it can be used as a pillow to improve eyesight and soothe the nerves.

The tea pillow will dry the tea in the right amount, and then mix it with a small amount of jasmine and mix it into the bag. This medicine pillow has the effects of reducing fire, reducing blood pressure, clearing heat, detoxifying, eyesight, diuresis and cooling.

After the mung bean pillow mung bean is cooked, the mung bean skin inside is removed and dried, and then the whole or broken mung bean is mixed into the pillow. This medicine pillow has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, quenching thirst and preventing heatstroke, diuretic swelling and so on. It is commonly used to prevent headache, brain heat, redness of the eyes, sore throat, sores and other diseases. In addition, mung bean, such as chrysanthemum and cassia seed, can be used as a medicine pillow, which has the effects of clearing the heart, relieving heat and improving eyesight.

The magnet pillow inlays the magnet to the wooden pillow. The medicine pillow has the functions of enhancing blood circulation, promoting metabolism and preventing diseases, and can be used for treating headache, dizziness, swelling of the mind, dizziness of eyes, unclear vision and neurasthenia caused by high blood pressure.

The five-leaf pillow mixes the dried mulberry leaves, bamboo leaves, willow leaves, lotus leaves and persimmon leaves and put them into the bag. This medicine pillow can prevent headache, dizziness, dizziness, blurred eyes, sore throat and high blood pressure.

Xiaomi pillow This medicine pillow has the functions of disease prevention, fitness and development, especially for young women and children.

Wu Yu pillow puts about 2 kilograms of Wujing leaves into a bag to make a pillow. Suitable for patients with cervical spondylosis and headache.

The blood-activating pillow will dry 500 grams of Angelica, 500 grams of Chuanxiong, 500 grams of safflower, 250 grams of 37, and 500 grams of cinnamon, and put them into a bag to make a pillow. Applicable to patients with cervical spondylosis, headache, memory loss, hearing and vision loss.

Cervical spondylosis medicine pillow used Chinese medicine Pueraria, Tianma, Guizhi, Chuanwu, Caowu, Baiqi, safflower, angelica, Tianqi each 10 grams, 6 grams of asarum, Chuanxiong, blood, wind, solitary, clematis 15 grams, a total of developed into a fine, placed in a 30 cm long, 12 cm wide cloth bag, stitched and placed on the pillow surface. This medicine pillow can be made by itself, and it is very effective for preventing and treating cervical spondylosis.

If a medicine pillow with a cool nature such as mung bean pillow is used, it should be used in the summer and "autumn dry". Patients with yin deficiency can be used appropriately. Secondly, people with low blood pressure or low blood pressure are not suitable for using medicine pillows with blood pressure lowering such as cassia pillows and magnet pillows. Women who are in the menstrual period and during pregnancy should not use the medicine pillow, especially the blood pillow, so as not to cause trouble.

Some manufacturers now claim that pillows filled with certain Chinese herbal medicines can prevent cervical spondylosis and reverse the disease. Experts believe that the efficacy of this propaganda pillow is not reliable, because before the onset of cervical spondylosis, patients usually have some or all of the symptoms such as neck pain, upper limb paralysis, dizziness, vomiting, flustering and sweating, but the medicine in the pillow is not It is easy to absorb through the skin, and it is impossible to adapt to the symptoms of all people. According to the type of syndrome differentiation of Chinese medicine, cervical spondylosis has qi and blood deficiency type, spleen and kidney yang deficiency type, and qi and yin deficiency type. The cold and dampness barrier type, etc., the Chinese medicine prescription used is also different. It is conceivable that the medicine pillow of the same prescription cannot be "contained".

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