KIR Men's "Sailing Training" started to enhance the competitiveness of the team

KIR Men's Business School, "Sailing Training" a course start it! Welcome the arrival of family, looking forward to the bloom of family! Teaching Team: KIR Men's Retail Management Department Training Time: May 5, 2014-2014.5.6 Training Content: Teamwork, Sales Skills, Shop Flow, Product Structure, etc. This training will take two days and one night and be totally enclosed. Promote new employees to quickly understand the corporate culture and system to quickly adapt to the company environment and work atmosphere, while allowing employees to feel the company is a system of mutual Shou, sharing of benefits, shared risk of family! Throughout the entire PK training mechanism, through the continuous PK inside and outside the venue to enhance the atmosphere to enhance the fun and enthusiasm for training! KIR men's whole family will uphold the integrity and dedication, passion and win-win teamwork values ​​in order to cultivate professional business team shop for the cause, to promote the KIR to the country! I hereby wish my training success!

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